●What's Here
Daily writings. (Hopefully).
Recordings maybe?
Rants&Rants& Even more rants.
Other things along the way.


Why ello thar. (*σ ′▽`)σ
I'm Jessica / hayaku. A nerd whom enjoys writing when I feel up to it and singing. :3 I write fanfics and short bits from time to time but usually kick it to the corner when it stresses me out. щ(゚Д゚щ) I'm also a huge fangirl of Nico Singers. <3

●Current Song I♥
  • Just a Game - Montea
  • Oh my. <3 I adore this song. 8') I first heard it covered by a guy whom's name I cannot remember so I was waiting for a singer I like to cover it, and low and behold - a Montea appears. <3 It's catchy and reminds me of certain song which slips my mind. ): Love it nonetheless.

    ●Bits From Past Writings
    What am I saying? I hate you right? But if I do, how come it hurts every time someone pulls you away from me. Or when you give me that sickeningly sweet smile, my heart begins to skip beats and my breath shortens. Why is it that my throat becomes dry whenever I try to talk to you? How pathetic. Sometimes I really do hate you for putting me in such a vulnerable state.

    ●Lovely Links
  • ☆ Koniiz Blog ☆
  • ☆ Judy's Blog ☆
  • ☆ Warsfeil's Blog ☆
  • ☆YKiwi's Blog ☆
  • ✿ My Fanfiction ✿
  • ฺ Konbini Youtube ฺ
  • ฺ Warsfeil Youtube ฺ
  • ♪ Usa's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Yamai's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Mi-Mu's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Seriyu's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Wotamin's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Hanatan's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Erii's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Kuripurin's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Vivienne's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Himawari's Nico ♪
  • ♪ Hany-Cham's Nico ♪

  • Archives
    February 2010
    April 2010

    Credits ©
    Designer: Infravermelho
    Resources: 1 2
    Title Artwork: Tribute
    Profile Artwork: Conniez
    Friday, April 2, 2010
    Over a Month?! Writing #4 & Rolling Girl

    S-so... I was totally writing a bit for once! 8') Amazing, I know. ;D TalesRunner really has me slacking off like mad, but that's just an excuse. xD After all, even before I started playing it I wasn't writing either. 8'D "Goodbye Astronaut" sure put me back in my place though. OTL. That song always kicks my arse back in gear.

    Anyways! I'm writing right? Or rather I was - but you know 8D Natchan's Live just came on, so I'm going to take a short break. xD That's fine yes? Yes. (:

    *Insert Real Time Break Here*

    Harhar, OTL. I ditched Natchan's Live to finish watching the first Eden of the East movie - all I can say is awesome. ;D Can't wait for the next. Back to writin- I SEE KURIPURIN.

    *Insert Second Real Time Break Here*

    HOLY. LOL. IT'S BEEN 4 HOURS. Obviously I have A.D.D.


    "I don't know what's gotten into him really."

    He knelt down over the hyperactive ball of fur, scooping it up within his arms only to be attacked by a barrage of dog drool.

    “Hey there buddy.”

    Finding the treatment to be more of a welcoming sign, he laughed cheerfully and scratched the puppy behind it’s ear, earning a happy bark before moving his arms back as the dog leaped out of his arms.

    “He seems to be really happy nowadays.” Chuckling softly as stood himself back up, he turned back to face the girl, giving her an embarrassed grin as he wiped the drool away with his sleeve.

    “Oh? That seems to be a good thing though yes?”

    He watched wearily as Maru ran around him a few times before heading in the direction of the raven haired girl.

    “Come here Maru-”

    And this was the moment he dreaded.

    His eyes roamed over the dumbfounded girl as she blinked in confusion once the once playful puppy stopped before her, taking in a defensive pose while growling loudly.

    “Ah not again.”

    Kazehaya sighed, finding his pet’s reaction to Kuronuma more of nuisance than small problem. After all, he knew how much she adored Maru - regardless of how many times she had to put up with this.

    “I’m sorry about this.” Muttering something incoherent, he picked up the suddenly chipper puppy, tapping it gently on the head as a way of scolding earning a soft whimper.

    “Ahh, it’s not his fault - and really it’s not like I was harmed in any way.”

    “Well I…”

    Turning back towards her, he frowned once she quickly looked down to the ground.

    She was definitely avoiding him wasn’t she?

    He was beginning to get a bit worried now.

    Bending down for a second to place yelping puppy onto the grass, he hesitated for a second.




    She froze for a minute, believing that she had heard wrong - or had he really just said her name?



    He repeated her name.


    She paused before taking her eyes off of the ground to instead face a full blown blushing Kazehaya-Kun -

    Wait. He was the one blushing?

    “I-I’m sorry for being abrupt and all. I was just wondering.”

    A long and silent phase washed over them, save for the happy barking of Maru chasing after butterflies nearby.


    Turning her gaze away from the playful puppy, she turned back towards Kazehaya, meeting his eyes for a split second in which his cheeks flushed red and he looked away.

    It wasn’t too surprising once she did the exact same at the warmth of her cheeks rising.

    “..Maybe I did something wrong?”


    Forcing her eyes off from the ground, she turned back towards him, finding that his eyes were also on her.

    Such a serious expression…

    She was beginning to get a bit worried.

    “I mean, you keep looking away whenever I try to look in your direction. Did I maybe offend you in any way?”


    No. No. No.

    “That’s impossible! Isn’t it…I who has offended Kazehaya-Kun?


    I know, it's boring and lame as hell. ): But I swear this time I DO know what I'm doing. xD The next bit will FOR SURE be the ending. (: I have something specifically planned. I'd write it now, but honestly my fingers are tired and completely stiff. It's really hard to write this right now, and was even more difficult writing the fanfic piece. xD

    On another note, I did a bit of Rolling Girl with the lower voice. D8 Mind you I did it right before I slept, as in having been awake from 7PM to 12PM. xD I don't think I'll cover the entire song though. 8'D


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    ( ♥´∪`)
    5:22 AM

    Tuesday, February 23, 2010
    Daily Writing #3 && Smiling Bit

    Seriously? OTL Why is writing such a pain in the arse? ;A; I mean, I love it - honestly I do. D: But most of the time it's a pain in the arse. щ(゚Д゚щ) I'M NOT DOING IT RIGHT. I'm pretty sure this shouldn't be happening dammit. ): Anyways, I wrote a bit - once again the idea is nothing like how I initially planned it and it's really frustrating me. xD I don't care now! Tomorrow I'm going to finish it, even if it's a half arsed ending with no meaning at all.


    And now she was beginning to feel nervous - a bit uneasy honestly.

    Here she was; taking small bites from the colourful sundae which lay before her while he just…stared at her with a smile. And although she was finding that smile to be charming - it was also distracting.

    Nerve-racking actually.

    “Is there some thing on my face?”

    Questioning softly, she watched as he quickly blinked, seemingly snapped out of his little gaze before coughing and shaking his head.

    “Ah, no sorry about that…I just thought that you looked cute while eating too…”

    And although the second half was hushed down to a whisper, she was still able to catch it and blush uncontrollably for a good half of the awkward silence which seemed to rush over them

    Several more moments passed by before the both of them found it unbearable, opening their mouths only to speak at the exact same moment.

    “Sorry about that. Go ahead Kuronuma.”

    “No no no.” Shaking her head, she pushed her empty sundae bowl to the side and rested her arms out before her on the table, eyes staring directly into his. “It wasn’t anything important really. What were you going to say Kazehaya-Kun?”

    “Ah well,” He scratched the back of his head, eyes darting to the side as if to avoid her gaze.

    ‘If she stares at me that hard I might doing something I’ll regret.’

    Maybe she had made him feel awkward?

    She took note; ‘Never stare directly into his eyes.’

    “I was just wondering where you wanted to go now? Since you finished after all.”

    Just as quickly as his eyes fell onto her, she immediately turned the other way, staring at nothing in particular yet not wanting to make him feel awkward.

    Yes. Definitely. She didn’t want to make him feel anymore awkward than she already had done.

    “I’m fine with whatever you’d like.”


    He wondered why every time he would look at her she would quickly look the other way.

    Was she avoiding him?

    He must have screwed up somehow, but when exactly?


    "Uh..huh?" Snapping out of his thoughts he turned to face the raven haired girl, growing a bit frustrated once she had turned the other way just as promptly. He would have been fine with it, honestly he would have - that is, if there was a reason in which he understood why she was avoiding him.

    "Uhm...If I may ask, where are we headed?" He noticed as she began to stare at the ground while walking rather than to the sides as she had previous done. Once again, this did not make him feel any better.

    "Oh right, I was thinking we could head back to my house and pick up Maru...then maybe head to the park to walk him?"

    In an instant she turned to face him, eyes sparkling with delight - like a child whom just entered a candy shop.

    And although she was finally looking at him, that adorable expression was too much for him to bear forcing him to quickly look away, covering his face in shame.

    He wondered if the tips of his ears were burning just like his cheeks -

    sadly he couldn’t hide those.


    She did it again.

    Barely a few seconds from when their eyes met Kazehaya quickly looked away, causing herself to turn back towards the ground.

    Surely she had done something to upset him.

    “Yes…That sounds like a good idea.”


    Anyhoodles, I did a little bit of Smiling Together. orz I really need to learn the entire song rather than do random parts here and there in case it gets decided that I just cover it alone. && LOL. I sound tired because I'm still sick orz. I should really be sleeping more. Don't shoot me please.


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    ( ♥´∪`)
    12:39 AM

    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    ERM. No. kkthnx.

    So Rina's a hoebag - but I really don't want to rant about that since it's too bothersome and all for me. I haven't talked to her since that argument though.

    Anyhoodles, I felt like writing since I had nothing to do so I shall have a regular posting? :D I want to write, but still having a massive writing block and don't want to force anything out or it'll be completely horrid - though to be honest I AM thinking of forcing out the final chapter for this one fanfic to get it off my arse. :)

    SO. SO. Enough of that, LOOK. This song's amazing. :]

    I believe Hany-Cham posted it yesterday? I don't know. o3o I was on when she first posted it during her Live but due to my screwed up sleeping schedule I get confused with the days.


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    ( ♥´∪`)
    9:29 AM

    Thursday, February 18, 2010
    Daily Writing #2

    Man. I totally wanted to finish this because it's NOTHING like how I wanted it to be. xD So I guess I'll make it like a two chapter thing so I can finish it the I wanted to do it. orz So yar uhm...have this horribly boring piece. ;A;


    Finding himself growing impatient with each passing second, he began a steady pace of walking back and forth.

    She was late wasn’t she?

    Had something happened to her?

    Maybe she was still busy getting ready…after all girls did tend to take their time -

    No. She wasn’t that type of girl.

    At least he didn’t think she was.

    Sighing loudly to himself, he stopped his consistent pacing and placed himself down onto the cement steps which rested just before a ridiculously pink coloured, floral themed bakery. One - which in his opinion screamed junior high girls paradise.

    And honestly, he would never even dare to take a step into such a place. It was like asking to get ridiculed by his fellow classmates - but then she had wanted to come after hearing about it from a few people. And the way she was so excited about it - about being referred to it by her friends mainly to be exact…The way her eyes sparkled, how her cheeks were tinted with a shade of pink from excitement -

    It was just impossible to refuse.
    Glancing from side to side, trying to spot the girl of whom he was waiting for, all he managed to gain was a headache from the constant searching.

    It was already half an hour past the meeting time…

    Was he supposed to go pick her up at her house?

    He stood up quickly, scaring a mother and her daughter whom were coincidentally beside him about to enter the bakery just as he shot up from his seat.

    No. no.

    Quickly apologizing to the surprised strangers, he sat himself back down.

    He had suggested it as an idea at first, but she had quickly shot it down spouting nonsense about it being troublesome for him to go out of his way for her.


    He would have gladly gone to her house if it meant spending just a little more time with her.

    Maybe…Maybe he was being stood up?

    No. Never.

    Shaking his head furiously at the very thought he ran his fingers through his messy hair, growing more and more frustrated with the situation.

    What was he? Some preteen girl on her first date?

    At the sound of his name he quickly looked up - relief washing over him at the sight of the girl in question.


    His hand shot up to quickly cover his own mouth, his own cheeks growing warm at the sight of somewhat surprised and blushing Sawako.

    “Kuronuma.” Correcting himself and coughing uncomfortably, he stood up, brushing the non existent particles of dust off of his pants.

    “….You’re quite early.”


    Looking down at his wrist watch reading 1 47PM, he found himself growing confused.

    “Early you say…?”

    The girl nodded slowly, seeming a bit baffled herself.

    “Yes…it’s a little past 15 minutes before our meeting time?”

    “2PM?” He questioned softly, as if he was unsure whether or it was a formidable question to ask in the current situation.


    He deadpanned before sitting himself back down and laughing whole-heartedly, ignoring the puzzled stare directed towards him by the raven haired girl.

    “2PM, of course!” Chuckling once more at his own mistake he looked back up at the girl, grinning foolishly as she looked down at him with curious eyes.

    “I may be a bit early, but you’re here too aren’t you? So does this mean you were planning on waiting on me?’

    There was something about knowing this, and seeing the blush on her face which made his grin grow more widely.

    Teasing her a bit never ceased to amuse him.

    “W-well. I though that maybe if you came here early as well then I wouldn’t want to make you wait. A-and…I was maybe thinking that we could spend a bit more time together if you were - w-which you are!”

    He wondered if she was completely innocent or if she had planned this all along.

    Getting his own tease turned around on him -

    Really now?

    Crossing his arms over his knees and placing his face over them, he groaned softly.

    Blushing in front of her was something he really didn’t want to do.

    “Kazehaya-Kun..? D-did I say something wrong?”


    On a different note, hey look. I did a bit of UHM. Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari. Like just now really. xD Well like, 10 minutes ago.


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    ( ♥´∪`)
    11:45 PM

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010
    So. Apparently I can't preview my template without posting first Lols. So. Erm. Yar. Here's a first post so I can view my template. :D


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    ( ♥´∪`)
    10:18 PM